Friday, 31 March 2017



Now, before I begin, I should clarify: I'm a BIG fan of the GHOST IN THE SHELL series!
With the exception of the original manga (which I've only briefly dabbled in), I've seen everything it has to offer and loved the majority of it!
Like so many others, I too regard Director Mamoru Oshii's original [1995] film to be something of an animated masterpiece, and its subsequent spin-off television series [Stand Alone Complex] is one of my favourite Japanese animated series!

I've spent a lot of time with GHOST IN THE SHELL, and so, it's important to preface this review by admitting; I did walk into the cinema with a pre-existing affinity for this world and its characters. First and foremost, I approached this film, not as a film critic, but rather as a long-time, well-versed fan, looking to be impressed.

Admittedly, this probably means, if anything, that I'd be MORE critical of the film, [since it does hold a special significance to me] but I feel that you [the reader] should be aware of any biases a reviewer might harbour. It's only fair, right?

Anyway... That said...

If there is such a thing as the 'perfect' film, GHOST IN THE SHELL (2017) is it.

Yes, I know - that's a HUGE statement.
Honestly, I never really believed there could be such a thing, but there is and this is it!

Let me define 'perfection' in this sense.
It is to be: "without flaw".

In my mind, the 2017 live-action adaptation of GHOST IN THE SHELL is without flaw.

This film not only exceeded my high expectations but completely blew them out of the water!

Of course, I'm gonna keep this review spoiler-free, but in order to discuss the film, it's important that I at least provide the basic premise. Fear not! I wont give anything away!

GHOST IN THE SHELL (or "GITS", as is the abbreviation) is [at its core] an analysis piece; an insight into advancing technologies and their integration into an ever-evolving society.

In this world (the world of the film), science has developed incredible, cybernetic augmentations.
Human beings and machines bond like never before in the pursuit of human betterment. Mankind is getting an upgrade!

After having suffered irreparable injuries, our main protagonist, The Major (played superbly by Scarlett Johansson) is 'rebuilt' from the ground up as a purely synthetic being; a cyborg. The only remnants of her life prior to undergoing this delicate procedure are preserved beneath a metal skull, wrapped in complicated circuitry; her human brain. A human consciousness, a human soul, operating a purpose-built, manufactured body.

The Major is the most advance of her kind. She stands at the cutting edge of modern technology and medicine.
However, she is ultimately a corporate investment; built to serve.

She fulfils her dues as a special operative for the security department, Section 9.
Under the leadership of Section 9 Chief, Aramaki, under the direct order of the Japanese Prime Minster, The Major leads a team of tactical operatives (many of whom possess cybernetic enhancements of their own) as they investigate a mysterious crime spree.

Section 9's mission provides the basic framework for the plot, but ultimately NOT what the film is all about!

GHOST IN THE SHELL (2017) is an extraordinary examination of identity.
What is it that truly defines us?
This is the question at the heart of the film.
Is it our experiences, our memories? Is it something physical and tangible?
Unable to recollect her old life, prior to her rebirth, trapped within an artificial body - The Major seeks these answers!

As it is with The Major herself, so much lays beneath the surface in GHOST IN THE SHELL (2017). The themes this film incorporates and questions it raises are genuinely thought-provoking. What is it that defines a human being? At what point do we stop being human? Can something artificial ever be considered 'human'? Is it wise to play god? When does science cross the line? This is incredibly profound subject matter!

Yes, the original 1995 animated film explores the same material.
This film IS an adaptation of THAT film, only - this new film does it better.

I fully expect people to disagree with me when I say that, but honestly, for as good as that earlier film is, GHOST IN THE SHELL (2017) is far more accessible!

There's some great subtleties that I love in the '95 version. Here, in this newer production, those same subtleties are a little more obvious, but there's still plenty of subtext.

Honestly, the themes and ideas (and even basic plot) expressed in GITS (that is: the series as a whole) can be pretty tough to wrap your head around at times. The series is actually kinda notorious for being obscenely complex.

To its credit, GHOST IN THE SHELL (2017) manages to present these same themes and ideas without it ever feeling too convoluted or overwhelming.
The story and character intricacies are just as multifaceted as you'd expect from a film in this series and yet, still very digestible.
This film asks you to think, but thankfully, never do you feel lost. It just flows so well!

Speaking of 'flow', whenever I review a film, I like to address pacing.
GHOST IN THE SHELL (2017) has a runtime of 107 minutes and is paced perfectly!
Every story-beat arrives precisely when it should. The flow never breaks!
The film is completely engaging from the moment it starts, until the moment it ends!

Beyond the fantastic story, GHOST IN THE SHELL (2017) has so much going for it!
And by that, I mean: literally everything works! No exaggeration - it's that damn good!

An excellent script has provided the cast with plenty of great material to work with, and every performance delivers!

Scarlett Johansson is a stand-out. She's so perfectly suited to this role that I simply cannot imagine anybody else playing the part. Her supporting cast are all magnificent too, but she really carries the film. There's a subtlety and honesty to her performance that's just astounding. There's such a clear thoughtfulness in her delivery; every action, every line. She's so convincing. She's just perfect.

There I go, using that word again: "perfect".

Well, you know what else is "perfect"?

The design.

This film is visually breath-taking.
Sure, a lot of modern films look great. It's kinda come to be expected, right?

GHOST IN THE SHELL (2017) is in a league of its own.

The cinematography is gorgeous. The way shots are framed; compositions expertly direct the eye, and the brilliant use of lighting really accentuates the drama.

The level of design detail in this film is absurd. I mean, just crazy impressive!

The film's futuristic metropolis setting is incredibly unique, but miraculously, maintains a strong sense of believability. This make-believe world of the future and its technologies feel so authentic.

So much consideration has gone into every design choice.
The environments, the attire, the vehicles and especially the futuristic augmentations and machinery; it's all so innovative and interesting!

The VFX (visual effects) are top-notch, bringing even the most outlandish concepts to stunning fruition.
Not once were computer generated images a distraction. They worked seamlessly; something definitely worthy of commendation in this day and age of cinema!

The sound design is also fantastic; perfectly complimenting and enhancing the mind-blowing visuals.

The film's score is tremendous!
It ingeniously blends both traditional and electronic orchestration, to create a soundtrack backing perfectly befitting of a technologically driven civilization.
Long-time fans will also recognize elements of Kenji Kawai's classic GITS soundtrack, which are a treat to the ears.

Every element of this film is so well-realized! It's just remarkable!

Now, addressing the film's drawbacks...

There aren't any.

I know! I can hardly believe it myself!

In my opinion, GHOST IN THE SHELL (2017) is simply flawless.

As noted earlier: The original '95 animated feature is extremely highly regarded.
Speaking sincerely, however, I believe this live-action adaptation to be the superior film.
Of course, it can't break the same ground the original film did, back in the day, but it undeniably tells a far more cohesive and heartfelt story!
Any time the 2017 film deviated from its predecessor, I supported those choices; understanding that they were for the betterment of the narrative and the characters.

Again, I'm sure there will be those who oppose this attitude, and I can appreciate that.

At the end of the day, this isn't meant to be a comparison essay, and I can absolutely recommend this film to any GITS fan! Despite the changes made, this newer film remains an extremely respectful and faithful adaptation. If you're a fan, you owe it to yourself to check it out. I can pretty much guarantee, you'll love it!

The only reason I can't see this film appealing to a particular viewer, simply comes down to a matter of taste.
Is this your kind of film? It might not be, and that's fine.
However, there is no denying the artistry on display!

Both cast and crew alike present an unquestionable insightfulness and understanding of the GITS world, its characters and its themes.

A ton of finesse, heart and soul has gone into this production.

Creators, both on and off screen, are at the top of their game here!

GHOST IN THE SHELL (2017) is an incredible accomplishment!
I absolutely and unapologetically adore it!

I entered with high hopes - cautiously optimistic.
I left, having had one of the greatest cinematic experiences of my life!

Brace for another big statement...


- Woody